The main regulation that governs fire safety in the UK is the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. The regulation was created to improve fire safety standards and ensure anybody responsible for a building meets these standards.
In this Article:
Fire Extinguishers in the Workplace
Fire extinguishers are common in many workplaces and are a vital part of many buildings fire safety measures. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that wherever there is a risk of fire there should be some safety measures put in place to reduce the risk. For most locations a fire extinguisher is the most feasible solution to meet the safety standards.
The type of fire extinguisher required will depend on the risk present and other factors such as what flammable material may be present in the area around the fire.
Below is a list of the most commonly used fire extinguishers and what class of fire they are effective in tackling:
Type of Fire Extinguisher | Colour Code | Used to Extinguish |
Water Extinguisher | Red with a White label | Solid Combustible Materials |
Foam Extinguisher | Red with a Cream Label | Flammable Liquids |
CO2 Extinguisher | Red with a Black Label | Electrical Fires & Flammable Liquids |
Dry Powder Extinguisher | Red with a Blue Label | Solid Combustibles, Liquids and Gasses |
Wet Chemical Extinguisher | Red with a Bright Yellow Label | Fat & Cooking Oils |

Fire Extinguishers in Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs).
Although they are not specifically a legal requirement in HMOs, fire extinguishers are commonly recommended when fire risk assessment has been carried out. Most HMOs provide fire extinguishers in the Kitchen as this is the room with the highest chance of a fire occurring, although there could be additional risk of fire from electrical and plumbing installations.
When choosing a fire extinguisher for use in a HMO it is important that the right type of extinguisher is used. The fire extinguisher chosen should be appropriate to deal with the type of fire most likely to start.
Some other common fire safety equipment used in HMOs might include:
Fire Blankets
Sprinkler Systems
Equipment should be put in place as part of a system that reduces the risk of fire and complies with the Fire Safety Order 2005. This equipment reduces the risk of fire starting, assists in extinguishing fire and aids in the event of emergency evacuation.
The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022
The fire safety regulations were further amended in 2022 in response to the Grenfell Tower tragedy that claimed the lives of 72 people.
This regulation provides improved requirements from high-rise buildings to improve the safety of its occupants in the event of a fire. Changes to locations and requirements to fire exits were made as well as clear instruction on the types of building materials that can be used in the construction of high-rise buildings.
Fire Extinguishers in Vehicles
Fire extinguishers are typically found in public transport, commercial vehicles, and certain private cars. The specific type of extinguisher can differ based on the vehicle, as various vehicles may have unique ignition sources and flammable materials.
Fire Extinguishers Used in Cars
Dry powder extinguishers are the recommended as the most effective extinguisher in putting out a car fire. These are used due to their effectiveness in tackling liquid fires which may be caused by fuels like diesel and petrol. Dry powder extinguishers are particularly effective in the UK as we do not experience extreme heat or cold, meaning the extinguisher can be easily stored in the boot of a car all year round.
Commercial Vehicles
Dry powder extinguishers are legally mandated in some commercial vehicles. They are used due to their effective ness in tackling liquid fires. Some commercial vehicles are required to carry specific types of extinguisher depending on the weight and material of the load being transported.
Heavy Goods Vehicles
Heavy Goods vehicles are required to comply with the ADR Regulations which provides the following guidance on the appropriate use of Fire Extinguishers:
Vehicle Weight | Minimum Extinguisher Requirements |
3.5 Tonnes and Below | 4kg |
3.5 - 7.5 Tonnes | 6kg - 8kg (At least one 6kg Extinguisher) |
Above 7.5 Tonnes | 12kg (At least one 6kg Extinguisher) |
Public Transport
Foam extinguishers are used in public transport systems due to their ability to tackle liquid fires. This type of extinguisher is used instead of powder extinguishers due to powder having a tendency to reduce visibility and cause serious respiratory issues if inhaled. Public transport vehicles are required by law to carry a fire extinguisher.
Private Hire Vehicles & Taxis
These vehicles are required by law to carry a fire extinguisher, specifically outlined by the local licencing authority. Most commonly a powder or foam extinguisher is used for these vehicles due to their ability to tackle liquid fires.
Motorhomes & Caravans
In motorhomes and caravans the most effective type of fire extinguisher is often a water mist extinguisher. This is due to the amount of combustible material inside of the vehicle and the risk of fire posed by cooking equipment installed in most motorhomes & caravans. A dry powder extinguisher may also be used for instances in which a fuel fire started and the occupants are able to exit the vehicle to combat the flames.

Signage Requirements
In order to comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 many premises are required to put up fire safety signs in order to comply with standards. Different locations have different signage requirements depending on a few factors such as the number of people in a given area and the layout of the building.
The 5 Categories of Fire Safety Signs
Fire safety signs fall into 5 categories depending on their intended use, the colours used in these signs aligns with other nationally recognised safety regulations.
The following lists the 5 categories of fire safety signs and their use:
Warning Signs Yellow signs used to show the presence of a hazard for example in areas where flammable liquid is stored.
Prohibition Signs These signs are used to show activities or actions that are not allowed in the area for example no smoking signs. Usually contain an image inside a red circle with a red line going through it.
Emergency Exit and Escape Route Signs Emergency exit signs are green and contain arrows showing the location of the nearest fire exit through the specified escape route.
Fire Equipment Signs These signs are usually red and show an image with the specific equipment and writing stating what the equipment is.
Uses of Fire Safety Signs
Fire safety signs provide information that could be vital in keeping people safe in the event of a fire. Whether it is the location of fire exits or instructions on how to use equipment to fight the fire, signage is used to provide helpful instruction that allows people to take advantage of the other safety measures provided.
Some types of fire safety signs might include:
Fire Exit Signs These signs should show the direction of the emergency exits and should be visible even in low light conditions. These signs usually feature a symbol of a man running towards an exit.
Fire Extinguisher Signs Fire extinguishers should have signs fixed alongside the equipment showing what type of extinguisher it is. In addition to this it is recommended that fire extinguisher signs are fitted to indicate the location of a fire extinguisher in a building.
Fire Assembly Points Signs should be used to indicate the fire assembly point where people should muster in the event of a fire. This can help authorities to account for anyone left still inside the building and should be a clear area that is considered far from any fire risks.
Fire Alarm Pull Stations Pull stations should have signs indicating their location to help people quickly locate them so that the alarm can be sounded. There may be additional signage next to the pull station providing instruction on how to sound the alarm.
Mandatory Safety Signs Some of these signs might include instructions for keeping door closed and ensuring exits are marked as "keep clear". Others may provide general information on equipment and exit routes.

Inspection Requirements
It is mandatory for building owners and responsible persons to ensure the location they're responsible for adheres to fire safety regulations. Fire safety equipment is required to be properly inspected and maintained in order for it to function properly and regular risk assessments should be undertaken to ensure the safety systems are adequate.
Fire Extinguisher Inspection Requirements
Equipment such as fire extinguishers and alarms should be inspected regularly to assess their condition and ensure correct labelling. Extinguishers should be visually inspected by the responsible person once per month.
The British Standards state the following intervals between the servicing and replacement of fire extinguishers:
Extinguisher Type | Basic Service | Extended Service | Replacement |
Water-Based | Every 12 Months | Every 5 Years | - |
Powder | Every 12 Months | Every 5 Years | - |
Powder-primary Sealed | Every 12 Months | Every 10 Years | - |
Clean Agent | Every 12 Months | - | Every 10 Years |
Halon | Every 12 Months | - | Every 10 Years |
CO2 | Every 12 Months | - | Every 10 Years |
“regular visual inspections of all portable fire extinguishers be carried out by the user or user’s representative. The frequency of inspections by the user should be not less than monthly and, when circumstances require, inspections should be carried out more frequently”.
British Standard 5306-3
How many Fire Extinguishers?
The British Standard 5306 provides a formula that can be used to calculate the number of class A extinguishers that should be provided in a given area.
The formula states that a single 13A fire extinguisher is required for every 200m2 of floor space.
Therefore if you work in a single floor office covering 900m2 you can use the following equation.
900 / 200 = 4.5
This figure should then be rounded up giving us a total of five 13A rated fire extinguishers required to meet the current safety standards.
How many Extinguishers on Each Level?
In workspaces with multiple floors it is generally required that 2 or more fire extinguishers should be located on each level. There is some allowance in the number of required extinguishers if the floorspace is below 200m2.
Training in the Use of Fire Extinguishers
The Fire Safety Order 2005 states that employees should receive adequate fire safety training, including training in the safe use of firefighting equipment. This ensures that if a staff member chooses to use a fire extinguisher they have been appropriately trained to use the equipment safe and effectively.
Our Fire Extinguisher course covers 3 essential areas when instructing learners on working with fire extinguishers:
Basic Knowledge of Fire Extinguishers.
Pre-Engagement Action.
Using a Fire Extinguisher.