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What is a Manual Handling Risk Assessment?
Manual handling risk assessments are created to first analyse the hazards faced by the manual handling tasks. Secondly we assess how to reduce these risks using control measures.
An example of a risk might be: "Injuries caused by incorrect manual handling technique"
Some examples of control measures to reduce these risks could be:
All operatives to be wearing correct PPE
The operative should keep the load close to their body at all times
Any heavy or awkward loads should be moved via a manual handling aid
Who Requires a Manual Handling Risk Assessment
In the UK, it's essential to conduct manual handling risk assessments whenever an employee is involved in tasks that require physical effort. This encompasses activities such as lifting, pushing, pulling, or carrying objects that rely on their strength.
Below is a list of people who require manual handling risk assessments:
Employers are required to carry out risk assessments for any manual handling task to ensure the safety of their employees.
Health and Safety Personnel may hold responsibility for undertaking manual handling risk assessments if they have been hired to directly oversee the safety of staff.
Contractors are usually required to have undertaken a manual handling risk assessment before starting any work on site. It is the responsibility of contractors to adhere to health and safety procedures of their clients and could be held liable if they fail to do so.
What Information is Required on a Manual Handling Risk Assessment?
Risk assessments require multiple pieces of information to ensure enough information has been collected on the hazards and proper control measures can be put in place to ensure staff safety.
Some of the information required includes:
Key Information about the location of the works, site address and the details of the person responsible for creating the risk assessment.
Details about the task being undertaken such as size and weight of the load and how the load will be lifted.
Possible Hazards that may be present and could result in an injury
A numerical value of risk calculated using the risk matrix, taking into consideration likelihood and severity of the hazard.
Control measures that will be implemented to lower the risk involved in a given task.
The new numerical residual risk rating after control measures are put in place.
Legal Requirements for Manual Handling Risk Assessments
The use of manual handling risk assessments is mandated by a few different pieces of health and safety legislation. There are parts of each piece of legislation designed to protect workers from the risks posed by manual handling tasks.
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (MHOR)
This regulation was specifically designed to protect workers from injuries caused through manual handling operations. The MHOR outlines the responsibilities of employers and their requirements under the law.
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 states the following framework for employers to keep staff safe:
Avoid manual handling operations that involve a risk of injury, wherever reasonable practicable.
Assess the risk of injury from any manual handling operations that cant be avoided.
Reduce the risk of injury from manual handling operations to the lowest level reasonable practicable.
More Information - Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (MHOR)
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act also provides some clarity on the responsibility of employers in ensuring the safety of their staff. This piece of legislation states that employers should adhere to the following advice:
Employers should ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employees at work as far as is reasonable practicable.
Employers should provide a safe working environment, adequate training and information for their employees to carry out their jobs safety.
More Information - Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
These regulations state that employers are required to carry out risk assessments wherever there may be a risk of injury.
Where there is manual handling activity being carried out, this regulation also requires that there should also be a risk assessment conducted to ensure the safety of staff.
More Information - Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999