Homeschooling, also known as elective home education, is becoming increasingly popular in the UK. In autumn 2023, it was recorded that an estimated 92,000 children were in elective home education.
What are the requirements for homeschooling in the UK?
It is a legal requirement in the UK that all children aged 5 to 16 must receive sufficient full time education, either at school or at home. If the children were at school and you wish to home school them, you will need to send a letter to the school informing them of your decision.
However, if your child attends a special school and has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) then you must receive permission from the local council to be able to home school them.
You do not need to follow the national curriculum. To check that your children are receiving a suitable education, the council can make an ‘informal enquiry’.
Do I get paid for Homeschooling?
There is currently no funding available for parents who wish to home school their child. The parent will have full financial responsibility of the home education which includes the cost of exams.
However, local authorities may provide some support which may include:
National curriculum materials
Discounted admission to local authority sports facilities
A library to borrow books
Information for work experience and educational visits.
How many hours a week should I be Homeschooling my child?
The average homeschooling is 2-3 hours a day, 3-5 days a week. There is no obligation to follow the scheduled school days and terms or to follow a school timetable.
Home education does not need to mirror the 5 hours a day for 38 weeks school education and the term ‘full time’ is not defined by the law.

Do Homeschooled Children sit GCSE exams?
Homeschooled children are not required to sit GCSE exams, however if you want them to gain qualifications then they will have to. You need to choose an exam board (Edexcel, AQA, OCR etc) and it will be hugely beneficial if you teach to their specifications.
How much do GCSE exams cost for homeschooled children?
A GCSE exam for homeschooled children can cost between £35 and £50 per exam. There is an exam board fee which is a fixed charge and an administration charge which varies between exam centres as it covers all costs involved in taking private exams.
School children usually take up to 12 GCSE exams and you can choose which exams your homeschooled children will take, with the most important ones seen as English, Maths and Science.
Do Universities accept homeschooled students?
The majority of universities in the UK accept homeschooled students. It may be easier to get a place if your homeschooled child has gained the appropriate A and AS levels.
However some subjects such as the humanities and arts are more flexible and will accept a detailed work portfolio and personal statement. Other qualifications such as B. Techs and foundation degrees are also accepted.