What is a Safety Harness?
A safety harness is a type of fall protection equipment that must be worn at all times when working at height to prevent falls and accidents. It is the core component of a fall arrest system and is most commonly made from rope, synthetic webbing or braided wire cable.
If your workplace requires the use of a safety harness at any point, the employees must receive the appropriate working at height training which teaches how to use the safety harness correctly and safely, how to inspect a safety harness, and how to care for it and store it when it is not being used.
The safety harness provides support and a comfortable position for the worker’s body weight while working at height, whether the worker is suspended freely from a structure or being held in tension as they balance.
How Often Should a Safety Harness Be Inspected?
A safety harness should be inspected before and after every use to check for any damages and ensure that it is currently still safe to use and in a strong condition. According to the HSE, the inspection regime must involve pre-use checks, detailed inspections and interim inspections.
The employers should create an inspection regime which includes:
All lanyards to be inspected carefully
The frequency and type of inspection
A named independent person to perform the inspection
Action taken when defective lanyards found
Inspection results recordings
Training of workers
Monitoring the inspections to ensure they are performed correctly.
The regular inspection should take place every 6 to 12 months or even more frequently if the safety harness is subjected to continuous use or bad weather and storing conditions. The fabric and buckles of the lanyard must be checked for any damage such as loose stitching, cracks or rust to ensure it is safe for use again.
Who Can Inspect a Safety Harness in the UK?
In the UK, a safety harness can be inspected by a person if they have completed the appropriate training. The competent persons must have the knowledge and skill to inspect the equipment for any damage and assess the potential risks to ensure the harness' are still safe to use.
According to the HSE, the safety harness should undergo a regular inspection by an impartial, independent person who will make objective decisions and has the authority to discard defective safety harnesses. This can still be a person from the same workplace but not someone who is involved in the working at height jobs.
If the harness' are hired from an external company, they must still receive a regular inspection and the hirers should be notified of any damage or working conditions that may affect the stability and safety of the harness.

How Much Does a Safety Harness Inspection Cost in the UK?
An external safety harness inspection costs from £25 to £50 per item which is required every year. It is much more cost effective to have an employee receive training and perform the inspections.
Safety harness training costs are between £100 and £150 per person on a half day course. Some training course providers will offer a bulk discount for the more people you add onto the course.
If you're an employer and have designated an employee to be the named safety harness and working at height equipment inspector, there is no cost for the inspections. You will only have to pay for this employee to receive the appropriate safety harness training.
At What Intervals Should a Safety Harness be Inspected?
A safety harness must receive pre-use checks before and after every use to check for any damages or tears in the equipment. It will also require detailed inspections every 6 to 12 months depending on how often it is used.
The inspection should take place every 3 months if it is frequently used or if it is used in particularly harsh environments such as scaffolding, demolition or steel erections that have sharp edges and protrusions.
Interim inspections may also be required in between detailed inspections if any risks have been found that could cause significant damage or deterioration to the lanyard before the next scheduled inspection is due. This may involve environments with paints or chemicals.
How Often Must Harness and Lanyard Inspections be Recorded?
The results of the safety harness and lanyard inspections must be recorded after every detailed and interim inspection. This ensures there is a physical record of findings readily available that confirms the safety of the equipment and allows employers to easily determine when the last inspection was to help you prepare for the next inspection.
Pre-use checks should involve the lanyard being passed through the hands slowly to detect any small cuts or strap softening which can affect the safety.

Legal Requirements for Safety Harness Inspection
The Work at Height Regulations 2005 state that all safety equipment that is exposed to certain conditions that will cause deterioration and may result in dangerous situations must be regularly checked and inspected at suitable intervals.
The safety harnesses must also be inspected after exceptional circumstances have occurred which may affect the safety of the equipment.
The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 also requires employers to claim responsibility of ensuring the fall arrest equipment is always stored and maintained in good condition and will provide suitable replacements when appropriate. If any damage is found during an inspection, it is the employer’s responsibility to provide repairs or a replacement. If the equipment isn't repaired or replaced, the use of this equipment is now illegal.
The safety harness equipment also comes with information from the manufacturer which includes a manufacturing date and a unique serial number for full traceability. The manufacturer will suggest that safety harnesses have a working life of 5 years but this depends on the usage and conditions.